Streams JS Api Client

A cohesive development system for building, administrating, and interacting with data-driven Laravel applications.

This is not a Laravel Streams addon. This is a NPM package that decoupled websites can use to interact with the backend server.

The Typedoc API docs can be found here

  1. The upper layer
    1. Installation & configuration
    2. Working with the Streams instance
    3. Getting, modifying and creating streams
    4. Getting Stream entries using the Stream Repository
    5. Getting Stream entries using the Stream Criteria
    6. Working with a Entry instance. Reading, updating and deleting data.
  2. The lower layer
    1. Working with the HTTP instance
    2. Creating Requests
    3. Reading Responses & Handling Errors
  3. The extras
    1. Generate type definitions for streams, entries etc
    2. Extending, hooks and hacking the library.
    3. The various bundles that come with the package.
      1. How to choose the right one
      2. How to configure that in Webpack/Mix/Rollup
  4. MIT License

The upper layer

Installation & Configuration

Installation goes through any package manger capable of pulling packages from NPM.

yarn add @laravel-streams/api-client
npm install @laravel-streams/api-client

Once that's done there's several ways of getting the package into your code. In most cases this will be webpack. Further information on the various bundles and how to use them is documented at the end of the document

For now, let's asume you use webpack. Create a streams.ts/js somewhere like this:

import { Streams } from '@laravel-streams/api-client'

export const streams = new Streams({
    // StreamsConfiguration

The StreamsConfiguration has one required option and one optional:

  • baseURL string [required] The url that points to the api, eg
  • request AxiosRequestConfig The base HTTP Request configuration. This is similar to Axios configuration
  • etag ETagConfiguration The base HTTP Request configuration. This is similar to Axios configuration

Working with the streams instance

import { Collection, Entry, EntryCollection, Field, Stream, Streams, Response, Request } from '@laravel-streams/api-client';

async function WorkingWithTheStreamsInstance() {
    const streams = new Streams({
        baseURL: '',

Getting, modifying and creating streams

async function GettingModifyingStreams(streams: Streams) {
    // Getting a stream
    const stream: Stream = await streams.make('clients');

    // Deleting a stream
    await stream.delete();

    // Modifying a stream
    stream.description = 'Foobar';
    stream.getFields().put('foo', new Field({
        handle: 'foo',
        type  : 'boolean',

    // Getting all the streams in a array
    const streamEntriesInArray: Stream[] = await streams.all();

    // Getting all the streams in a Collection
    const streamEntriesInCollection: Collection<Stream> = await streams.collection();

async function CreatingStreams(streams: Streams) {
    // Creating a stream
    const stream: Stream = await streams.create('clients', {
        name       : 'Clients',
        description: 'Client information',
        fields     : {
            title: 'string',
            age  : {
                type : 'number',
                rules: [],

Getting Stream entries using the Stream Repository

async function WorkingWithAStreamRepository(streams: Streams, stream: Stream) {
    //  Getting Stream entries using the Stream Repository
    const entry: Entry = await stream.getRepository().find(1);
    await stream.getRepository().all();
    await stream.getRepository().delete(entry);
    await stream.getRepository().save(entry);
    const createdEntry: Entry = await stream.getRepository().create({
        title: 'The greatest',
        age  : 245,

    // The EntryCollection is a class that extends the Collection class from 'collect.js'.
    // The methods and functionality are much alike the Illuminate\Support\Collection class.
    const entries: EntryCollection = await stream.getRepository().findAll([ 1, 2, 3, 64 ]);
    const first: Entry             = entries.first();

Getting Stream entries using the Stream Criteria

async function WorkingWithAStreamCriteria(streams: Streams, stream: Stream) {
    //  Getting Stream entries using the Stream Criteria
    const criteria                    = stream.getEntries();
    const collection: EntryCollection = await criteria.where('age', '>', 5)
                                                      .where('age', '<', 50)
                                                      .orderBy('age', 'asc')
    const paginated: EntryCollection = await criteria.where('age', '>', 5)
                                                     .where('age', '<', 50)
                                                     .orderBy('age', 'asc')
                                                     .paginate(100, 1);

Working with a Entry instance. Reading, updating and deleting data.

async function WorkingWithAEntryInstance_ReadingUpdatingAndDeletingData(entry:Entry, streams: Streams, stream: Stream) {
     * You can modify the values of the entry and save them
    entry.age = 12;

    await entry.delete()

     * You can also get a plain JS object with all values
    const obj: object = entry.serialize();

The lower layer

Working with the HTTP instance

async function WorkingWithTheHTTPInstance(streams:Streams) {
    const response:Response = await streams.http.getStream('clients')


Creating Requests

async function createingRequests(streams:Streams) {
    const request: Request = streams.createRequest()
    // merge config
        url   : '',
        method: 'POST',
        params: {
            a: 'b'
    // direct config modification
    request.config.method = 'POST'
    // setting authentication
    request.authorization('Bearer', 'tokenhash')
    request.basic('username', 'password')
    // seting etag
    // setting headers
    request.header('If-Modified-Since', '')

Reading Responses & Handling errors

    // sending request, getting response
    try {
        const response = await request.send();
        if ( !response.ok ) {
    } catch(e) {
        // handle error

The extras

Generate type definitions for streams, entries etc


Extending, hooks and hacking the library.

Several classes contain hooks.

More information will be provided before final release. The Api Docs will also cover these.

import { Streams } from '@laravel-streams/streams-api';

const streams = new Streams({
    baseURL: 'http://localhost/api',

streams.hooks.createRequest.tap('NAME', request => {
    // alter request
    return request;
streams.hooks.request.tap('NAME', request => {
    // alter request
    return request;
streams.hooks.response.tap('NAME', (response,request) => {
    // alter response
    return response;

The various bundles that come with the package.

Click on the file link will open a new window with the visualisation of the bundle.

File Bundled Minified Gziped Rollup Webpack Import Statements
streams-api.nodedeps.min.esm-browser.js 249.96 kB 120.51 kB 30.59 kB 76.54 kB 82.14 kB 21
streams-api.esm-browser.js 717.91 kB 291.58 kB 79.91 kB 223.18 kB 227.54 kB 0
streams-api.nodedeps.esm-browser.js 249.96 kB 120.51 kB 30.59 kB 76.54 kB 82.14 kB 21
streams-api.min.esm-browser.js 717.91 kB 291.58 kB 79.91 kB 223.18 kB 227.54 kB 0
streams-api.esm-bundler.js 717.92 kB 291.6 kB 79.91 kB 223.48 kB 227.56 kB 0
streams-api.nodedeps.esm-bundler.js 249.96 kB 120.51 kB 30.59 kB 76.54 kB 82.14 kB 21
streams-api.min.esm-bundler.js 717.91 kB 291.58 kB 79.91 kB 223.18 kB 227.54 kB 0
streams-api.nodedeps.min.esm-bundler.js 249.96 kB 120.51 kB 30.59 kB 76.54 kB 82.14 kB 21
streams-api.cjs.js 718.55 kB 292.16 kB 79.99 kB
streams-api.nodedeps.cjs.js 250.82 kB 121.26 kB 30.73 kB
streams-api.min.cjs.js 718.53 kB 292.15 kB 79.99 kB
streams-api.nodedeps.min.cjs.js 250.82 kB 121.26 kB 30.73 kB 739.53 kB 250.87 kB 73.47 kB 258.01 kB 105.54 kB 28.2 kB 739.53 kB 250.87 kB 73.47 kB 258.01 kB 105.54 kB 28.2 kB

How to choose the right one

All the nodeps versions do not contain axios and qs, as such they are peerDependencies in case you already have those installed. This means that:

global Call the streamsApi function like below. Provide axios and qs. It will return all exported object in the streams api client library. const StreamsApi = streamsApi({}, axios, qs)

cjs You need to have both axios and qs installed. Then you can const streamApi = require('@laravel-streams/api-client')

esm-bundler Same deal as cjs. Make sure both are installed.

How to configure that in Webpack/Mix/Rollup

So, by default the streams-api.esm-bundler.js will be used, which have both axios and qs bundled into it. In order to use the streams-api.nodeps.esm-bundler.js you'll have to make an alias in webpack:

module.exports = {
    // webpack config
    resolve: {
        aliases: {
            '@laravel-streams/api-client$': '@laravel-streams/api-client/dist/streams-api.nodeps.esm-bundler.js'

MIT License

Can be found here;